Dan Balfour
VANYA| NT Live | Sam Yates
Dear England| NT Live | Rupert Goold
Dear England| West End | Rupert Goold
VANYA| Duke of York's Theatre | Sam Yates
OLIVIER, WHATSONSTAGE NOMINATED |Dear England| National Theatre | Rupert Goold
I Am Kevin (Film) | Wildworks | Mydd Pharo & Josh Pharo
Wuthering Heights| Royal & Derogate + National Tour | Inspector Sands
One Of Them Ones| Pentabus + National Tour | Elle While
How To Break Out Of A Detention Center| Riverside Studios | Bezna Theatre
One Who Wants To Cross| Finborough Theatre | Alice Hamilton
Private Peaceful | Nottingham Playhouse + National Tour | Elle While
OFFIE NOMINATED| Tempest | Pleasance Theatre | James Meteyard
LAVA | SOHO Theatre + National Tour | Fifth Word
Misfortune Of The English| Orange Tree Theatre | Oscar Toeman
Dance Of Death | Arcola, Bath Royal + National Tour | Mehmet Ergen
Les Dawson Flying High | National Tour | Bob Golding
I Am Kevin | Carlyon Bay | Wildworks
Wipe These Tears | Camden Peoples Theatre | Bezna Theatre
Cinderella | Oxford Playhouse | Toby Hulse
Two Character Play | Hampstead Theatre| Sam Yates
Hatchling | Trigger Stuff | Angie Bual & Natalie Adams
Voices Of The Universe | Devised| Rod Sudgen & Dan Balfour
IDYL | Pentabus Theatre| Elle While
Red Riding Hood | Oxford Playhouse | Steve Marmion
Can I Live? (Development)| Complicite| Dan Bailey
Voices Of The Universe | Devised| Rod Sudgen & Dan Balfour
Wipe These Tears (R&D) | Bezna Theatre| Nico Vaccari
The Language Of Kindness (R&D) | Wayward Productions| Sasha Malavic Davies
Re Home | Young Vic| Taio Lawson
Voices Of The Earth | Global Generation| Complicité
Private Peaceful | Nottingham Playhouse | Elle While
Race For Life Events | CRUK | Rob Shaw Cameron
Fahrenheit 451 | RCSSD | Catherine Alexander
Sugar Syndrome | Orange Tree Theatre | Oscar Toeman
Operation Mincemeat | Southwark Playhouse | Spitlip
Fairytale Revolution | Theatre 503 | Carla Kingham
Beauty & The Beast | Oxford Playhouse | Steve Marmion
Pavilion | Theatre Clwyd | Tamara Harvey
HOME | Young Vic | Taio Lawson
OFFIE NOMINATED| Operation Mincemeat | New Diorama Theatre | Spitlip
ILLEGALISED | National Tour | Bezna Theatre
Cymbeline | RSCCD MA Showcase | Director: Anna Healey & Ben Naylor
Wilderness | Hampstead Theatre | Director: Anna Ledwich
hang | Sheffield Crucible | Director: Taio Lawson
Counting Sheep | Vaults Festival | Belarus Free Theatre
Stop & Search | Arcola Theatre | Director: Mehmet Ergen
OFFIE NOMINATED| Blood Wedding | Omnibus Theatre | Director: George Richmond-Scott
LAVA | Nottingham Playhouse, Neville Studio | Fifth Word
Effigies Of Wickedness | Gate Theatre | Director: Ellen McDougall
VINOVAT, -Ä | Centrul de Teatru Educational Replica, Bucharest | Director: BÉZNÄ theatre
The Rover | RCSSD | Director: Ben Naylor & Anna Healey
OFFIE NOMINATED| Great Apes | Arcola Theatre | Director: Oscar Pearce
Facebook Immersive Event | 02 Arena | We Are Family
Dracula | RSCCD | The Curve | Bryony Lavery | Director: Rob Shaw Cameron
A Dangerous Woman | UK Tour | Director: Yael Shavit
The Devils | RCSSD | Director: Ben Naylor
Google Deepmind Immersive Event | Inverness | We Are Family
Sea Fret | Old Red Lion | Director: Carla Kingham
Figures Of Speech (Film) | Almeida Theatre | Director: Anthony Almeida
Private Event | Hawker House | We are Family
Great Expectations | Merton Arts Space | Attic Theatre Company
Oh, What A Lovely War! | Mountview Karamel Club | Director: Chris Larner
Jenufa – Opera Works | Lillian Baylis Studio 1 | English National Opera
Spindrift | The Garage (Norwich), The Drum (Plymouth) | Curious Directive
Nude | The Hope Theatre | Forest Forge Theatre
Arthur The Bear King | Abergavenny Borough Theatre | Puppet Soup
Dream – Opera Works | Lillian Baylis Studio 2 | English National Opera
Re:Home | The Yard | Offstage Theatre
AYT Binaural Tours | Arcola Theatre | Director: Laura Rolinson
SOLO | Bush Theatre | Curious Directive
I Call My Brothers | Arcola Theatre | Director: Yeal Shavit
Caught | Arcola Theatre | Director: Cressida Brown
The Machine Man | RSPB (Conwy) | Puppet Soup
Miss Johnson | RCSSD | Director: Martin Wylde
Walking The Tightrope | Theatre Deli/Underbelly | Offstage Theatre
Cauldron of Ceridwen | Venue Cymru | Puppet Soup
Summer School Festival | RCSSD | Directors: Jemima James. Mairi Hayes
Napoleon Blown Apart | Arcola Theatre | Director: Alex Brown
The Red Helicopter | Arcola Theatre | Director: Alex Brown