An insight to our design process for Debbie Tucker Green's hang at Sheffield Crucible. Directed by Taio Lawson.

LSI Magazine Interview 2017
Phil Ward, writer for LSI Magazine got in touch to ask how Tom Gibbons and I utilised Timax during Life Of Galileo, Performed at The Young Vic. It was a privilege to give an insight into how we created a Surround Sound environment with the use of Timax.

Sea Fret is Published!

Tallulah Brown's play text of Sea Fret has been Published in conjunction with the it's Premiere at London's Old Red Lion Theatre. I couldn't be prouder to be credited as one of original Creatives for this beautiful story. A huge thank you to Hampstead Theatre for helping me realise this immersive sound world.
Figures Of Speech Goes Online!
Very proud to create the sound design for Figures Of Speech. The Website is online with a lot of content to immerse yourself in, a personal favourite is embedded with this passage, or click the yellow box
to explore the website yourself.
Creative Team
Director: Anthony Almeida
Film: Todd MacDonald for Illuminations Media
Sound Design (Graphics): Dan Balfour
Graphics: Joseph Pierce for Illuminations Media
The Re:Home Trailer is Out
Technical Rehearsals for Re:Home are fast approaching and I couldn't more excited. I have been putting together a Trailer out of actual footage of the derelict tower blocks of Leytonstone together with a mix of archive recordings of tenants that lived inside the tower before they were demolished. To find out more about the show, and to book tickets please click to yellow box below.
For all enquiries please contact my Agent:
Treviem - Michael Stannard - michael@treviem.com – 020 8050 2724 – www.treviem.com